Friday, October 21, 2011

Used to be

I wish I was ballsey enough when I had short hair to wear dresses and look pretty all the time. my hair evolution has been pretty nuts. My whole life as a kid, I HAD to have short hair. Damn lice. Whenever I would start growing it out, someone would find something. In high school it all changed....

I decided after my freshman year I was going to grow it out. I only had my hair severely cute once in high school. It was back to normal by Junior year. I think since then, my hair has been pretty much every color but blond. I am so pale that it just wouldn't look right.

I don't know why I wanted to write about this, maybe because I am going to get it cut for the first time in years on Monday. WEIRD! I'm not going to go that short but still.

I do think though that sometimes, people tie confidence into their looks. I am less confident when I have a zit, stereotypical right? Oddly enough, I thought I was more attractive when my hair was cut really short. Although, when it was short I was worried about gaining weight because everyone would say. "your skinny face works with short hair". 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I've got Spirit

(image from: 

Today is spirit day. At the moment it is 12:20 and I am still in pajamas. Yes... don't judge me. I do have my outfit planed though. Plaid purple & black top, jeans, black & purple tank tops (layered)  cute shoes. :) I don't have much else to say. I need to get a shower and study now :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Backroad Romance

I have to confess... I have been in love before but it was never reciprocated. I always had this vision as a kid that I would find a boyfriend in high school and it would be a "forever" thing. Boy, was I wrong. It has caused me to have my shields up for quite a while.

When you have a boyfriend for three years and you find out from your best friend he has slept with multiple girls behind your back, those walls form. The sad thing is, the guy who told me, was the guy I wanted to date in the first place. It was always the "best friend" situation with me.

Oh boys..

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Busy Bee

I have, yet again, become very busy over the past few days. Personally, I have a lot to write about that I may put into some short stories and such. I have realized that being a writer is what I want to do with the rest of my life.  I really don't have much else to say. :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Writing Season

I think fall and winter are the best seasons for me to write in. All of my writings from those seasons seem more detailed and it may take longer to write but it is worth it in the end. I have had many ideas for books lately but when it comes to having the time.... oh boy.

I try to set aside time to write but it is hard. I am not doing too well in my classes right now so I am hoping to get those grades up. Focusing too much on that is driving me a bit bonkers honestly. it's hard to juggle all of these ideas, two classes, and fear because I don't have a job.

Today is "get everything done" day so i can't write very much. It isn't even 1 yet and I am baking a cake, doing laundry, already at breakfast & lunch, edited videos, posted to youtube, and now this. fun huh?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fried Green Tomatoes

Again, I forgot to write but I was just a bit lazy yesterday. I studied most of the day and goofed around for the most part. You may be wondering about the title... Two reasons, one, it is one of the best movies of all time, and two, I am recoding it right now. :) I have gotten a lot done this morning so I decided to reward myself. The reward? Taking time out to write this blog.

So today I thought I would talk about what I read in childhood. There was a lot of fairytales in this house. I went through the Disney Princess Stage for sure. I also went through the stage shown above. Quite often, after finishing a book I staed that quote as well. The greatest thing about that is that it is possible to start books over. 

When I reread a book, I may notice things I hadn't before. Amazing isn't it? Sometimes, I even notice the small things such as punctuation and grammar mistakes. I learned when I was younger that everyone writes in different forms. I think that is what made me fall in love with poetry.

I found a quote that explains how I feel about writing: 

We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry.
E.B. White, Letters of E.B. White  

 Now, I may have millions of book ideas yet, if i don't pursue it, what good will it do me, locked up in my mind?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Writing and Sexuality

I forgot to write yesterday. I was trying to focus on schoolwork. Sorry for that guys!

Alright, confession... I am an almost 20 year old virgin. Deal with it. But that doesn't mean that I haven't been offered. breaking your pelvis doesn't really help the situation. Also, I have realized in recent years that I like both women and men. Interesting right?

So a lot of people think that to write sexy stuff, you have to have had sex. That is totally not true in my opinion. People fantasize and I am sure that is where stuff for most romantic novels comes from. Also, I am "the virgin" but everyone else tells me about their sex lives. Good times... NOT.

Anyway... I think that is all I have to say for the day

Sunday, October 2, 2011

In memory

I am going to blog every morning. I know I can get it done easier in the morning because my parents are usually either at work or sleeping. So the entry will now begin:

So today I thought I would talk about this house I live in and the connection between it and yellow roses. Now, as many of you know, yellow roses signify friendship. My mom also had yellow roses as her flowers at her wedding. That is the simple connection.

When it comes to friendship, I am not the best at it. I don't mean that I am not a good friend it's just that I don't seem to pick decent friends most of the time. Most of my friends have come and gone. I also have an issue with forgiving too easily.

If I haven't stopped speaking to friends after a while, they seem to pass away. Since middle school, I have lost many friends and friends reatives around my age to accidents, overdose, and suicide.

The first one in middle school that I remember was a friend I met at a vacation bible school. She was riding her bike back home from a house two houses down from hers and she was hit by a drunk driver. We didn't really keep in touch too much and I wish we would have. It was way before facebook ever came into the picture and we were a bit too young to use it even if it exsisted.

Then the next one was an accident where I actually lost two friends at once. They were brothers, Devin was 16 and Kade was 12. I had just changed schools and I didn't know about it until the end of my school day. I remember every detail from that day from the time when I walked into school until I left.

I found out in 4th hour, the first half. I had a & b so I had 5 classes in all. We had just found proxys to get to Myspace and I didn't really get too much stuff during the week on there because everyone knew I lived with my grandparents. I had a message marked IMPORTANT from my friend Wendy and I just knew something was wrong. She told me that Devin was driving and hit a 4x4 truck head on and that he and his brother had passed away. (this may be a long blog)

Once I found out, I closed all of the stuff I was working on and I just lost it. Well, not until I went into the bathroom. I asked to leave for a bit and I sat in one of the stalls and kept saying. "No, this isn't real." over and over. (I know this sounds like a bad movie but it was my life) I went to the office then to see if a coursler or my principal was in and they told me the principal had left.

My princial had been the assistant principal at my old school until the year I went to school there. Anywho, from that point, the rest of the day was a haze. I didn't do any homework in my study hall like class. I remember that some people from my old school who knew the boys went to my school so I told them before I left. They didn't belive me and joked about it until I started crying in the hall. Then it became semi real to me.

When I got back to my grandparents, I didn't say anything. I just got on my phone to anyone I could contact. I wanted to know if it was real. I had checked my Myspace before I left and saw everyone was talking about it. I told Nana that they had passed but I kept my composure. So, I tried to keep calling people and then I heard the five o'clock news. I opened the door and saw Devin's picture on the news and it sank in. There was going to be a memorial that night so I begged my dad to let me go.

Everyone else who knew them had someone to talk to that week about how they felt. I felt like I had no one. The day to pay respects came and I remember I had to leave early so I had to cut in line. I know that sounds horrible but it was held in the school gym and the line around the school was so long. I saw one of my old neighbors and she said that I shouldn't even look at them. I broke down then too obviously.

I felt like I was in that line forever. I braced myself and my dad even had to leave so I had to get a ride home. Now, the moment I was feet away from the casket I just took a deep breath. I had written him a note and placed it in the casket. It was hard because they were buried in the same casket so it wasn't just him it was little Kade too. Everyone knew I was going to take it hard. I told their older brother, who had gone to school with my brother, that he sent his condolences. Then.... I saw his dad. That was the hardest thing for me.

Devin and I had this bond that was kind of weird. We had our own little jokes, he was always there. One of our friends had to explain it to my mom and it was just... gosh I miss those boys.

About a year after, a friend of ours commited suicide. I found this out from my cousin one day. I couldn't believe it. Anthony was such a sweet guy and it was just hard. We weren't as close as Devin and I were but still. I didn't go pay respects because it was just too much.

A few moths after that, one of my friends from my new school who had transferred back to her old school died from a crash on a dirt bike. She didn't wear a helmet and the driver of it died as well. I knew of him but I didn't know him well. Anna had been there for me when Devin died so it was a bit surreal.

After she passed, one of our mutual friends died of a suspected overdose. Her case is inder investigation so I am not going to say anything. She was one of the most amazing sweet people I knew even though she could be tough.

One of my friends from girl scouts brother commited suicide as well. I don't really want to go into that. It is kind of weird when I had sat next to this kid on the bus daily back in middle school. He was so sweet.

The most recent was my friend Kyle. He died a week ago. It was another car accident and drunk driving was involved. It is hardest for me to write about because it is so fresh. He was friends with a lot of my friends, dated a lot of my friends, best friends with one of my ex's. So, he was around a lot.

So, in conclision: I love you Kody, Devin, Kade, Anna, Cherie, Mason, Anthony, Kyle, and Nick

I knew nick as a baby so there isn't much to put about him. He passed away when we were ten. It has almost been 10 years. Crazy... Love you bud.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I am going to try to blog every day this month. One reason is because I feel I will have more to write about. Here it goes:

If you have never seen a typewriter, I think you are nuts. Now, I understand my younger cousins most likely have not but let me tell you something. Ready? I like type writers more than I like keyboards. Yep, I said it. Now here is the reason why, typing on a typewriter feels different. I feel like with each "click" I am making more of an impact. Even though, once your fingers hit keys on a keyboard, you also hear that noise.

Now, you may be wondering why I didn't blog every day last month.... one word: SCHOOL. Yeah, I kicked butt in my class last term but now I am not doing too hot so I will be studying all night after this. Yep.

Til tomorrow..