Saturday, October 1, 2011


I am going to try to blog every day this month. One reason is because I feel I will have more to write about. Here it goes:

If you have never seen a typewriter, I think you are nuts. Now, I understand my younger cousins most likely have not but let me tell you something. Ready? I like type writers more than I like keyboards. Yep, I said it. Now here is the reason why, typing on a typewriter feels different. I feel like with each "click" I am making more of an impact. Even though, once your fingers hit keys on a keyboard, you also hear that noise.

Now, you may be wondering why I didn't blog every day last month.... one word: SCHOOL. Yeah, I kicked butt in my class last term but now I am not doing too hot so I will be studying all night after this. Yep.

Til tomorrow..

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