Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fried Green Tomatoes

Again, I forgot to write but I was just a bit lazy yesterday. I studied most of the day and goofed around for the most part. You may be wondering about the title... Two reasons, one, it is one of the best movies of all time, and two, I am recoding it right now. :) I have gotten a lot done this morning so I decided to reward myself. The reward? Taking time out to write this blog.

So today I thought I would talk about what I read in childhood. There was a lot of fairytales in this house. I went through the Disney Princess Stage for sure. I also went through the stage shown above. Quite often, after finishing a book I staed that quote as well. The greatest thing about that is that it is possible to start books over. 

When I reread a book, I may notice things I hadn't before. Amazing isn't it? Sometimes, I even notice the small things such as punctuation and grammar mistakes. I learned when I was younger that everyone writes in different forms. I think that is what made me fall in love with poetry.

I found a quote that explains how I feel about writing: 

We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry.
E.B. White, Letters of E.B. White  

 Now, I may have millions of book ideas yet, if i don't pursue it, what good will it do me, locked up in my mind?

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